How Much Does It Cost to Build a Garage?

Like any other building project, the costs of building a garage must be considered carefully. It will depend on a number of factors, but the following should serve as a guideline.

Taking the Right Measurement

There are many ways you can estimate the expenditures. But the most common is by assessing the price per square foot. The average rate is $35 to $45 per square foot.

Assume that you just need a garage for a single car. The size required will be 240 square feet. At $45 per square foot, that will be between $8,500 to $10,800.

For a two-car garage, the area size required is 380 to 400 square feet. The costs of building a garage this size will be $13,000 to $18,000.

However, these figures are based on the $35 to $45 rate. Depending on various factors, the rate may be a little higher or lower.

A Fully Equipped Garage

The fees mentioned above are for the basic types. The area sizes given won’t squeeze the cars, but they are the minimum requirements. A fully equipped garage will have a larger space (for either one car or two cars).

There will also be space allotted for working, plus ventilation. The complete ones also have plenty of lighting and even a storage room or attic.

These types usually take up 850 square feet. The cost of building a garage of this kind is at least $28,000. It may go up to $40,000 or even higher.

The Cost of Materials to be Used

The fees may also increase depending on the tools to be used. For average types, the $35 per square foot is applicable.

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With more top-of-the-line tools, it can cost up to $53. With this figure, the cost for a one-car storage facility will be around $12,000.

For a two-car garage, it will be over $20,000. $50,000 will get you a garage with all the bells and whistles.

The Do it Yourself Option

One of the best ways to lower the costs of building a garage is to do it yourself. Kits for single-car garages (minus windows) cost about $4,000.

The costs of pre-fabricated materials are usually around $5,000 for the low-end and $15,000 for the high-end types. You can choose from metal or wood.

It’s a good idea to compare packages before you buy. Different kits come with different items. Assess the ones that best suit your budget and capabilities.

Other Considerations

Whichever option you choose, notify the building inspector first. This will ensure that your project actually meets the safety standards. This is required regardless of the size.

The process may involve excavation, demolishing an old garage, and installing electricity among others. Carpentry, laying the foundation, and insulation are also included, hence the need for safety inspectors.

The costs of building a garage will depend on these factors. Before you start, you need to be aware of these fundamental elements. It will ascertain that the process is smooth and will go on without a hitch.